Quick Edit Module For Members
The Quick Edit section for the members can be reached by navigating to:
- My Members
- Search Members
- Quick Edit under Actions dropdown:
The Quick Edit section is divided into four tabs. Below detailed information regarding each tab can be found.
Tab 1: Account Details
Member ID
The system will display the member's ID.
Account Status
The available options are Active, Not Active, On Hold, Cancelled, Past Due, and Incomplete.
NOTE: Member profile will only be live if the status is Active.
- Active: the member will be visible on the front end of the site.
- Not Active: this status is used by the admin to make an account not active.
- On Hold: It is used by the admin to approve a member, so it is on hold while the admin approves the new signup manually.
- Cancelled: The member decided to cancel the account.
- Past Due: The member has a past due subscription.
- Incomplete: When there is an issue during the paid signup process that we are not accounting for, and the member is created, it will remain "Incomplete", instead of being "Active" without paying.
Membership Plan
This will display all the available Membership Plans that are added under Finance >> Membership Plans
Public Listing Represents (Listing Type)
Available options are Individual / Person and Company / Organization
- If the Individual option is selected, the member profile will use profile photo + first and last name combination
- If the Company option is selected, the member profile will use the profile logo + company name
Top Level Category
This will display all the available Top-Level Categories that are added under My Members >> Member Categories
Internal Admin Notes
Here internal admin notes can be added regarding this member where only website admins can see
First, Last, and Company Name
Information added here will display directly on member profile, depending on if they are Individual or Company
Join Date
The member's join date can be edited in this section
Phone Number and 2nd Phone Number
Here member phone numbers can be added/edited
Email Address
Here, the member's email address can be added/edited. This email address will be also the member's login username
Tab 2: Listing Settings
Parent ID
If the Multi-Member Manager add-on is activated on the site, with this setting, the parent ID of the member can be assigned, changed or removed. Assigning a parent ID to a member will make that member a sub-account instead of a regular account.
To assign a parent ID, click on the Change Parent Member button:
Which will display a dropdown where a search for member ID can be conducted:
Keep in mind that only active members in the same Membership Plan that have the "Sub Accounts" feature enabled in their Membership Plan Settings will appear as options.
Stock Image Libraries
This option will become visible if the Stock Photo Library for Post Add-On is active on the site.
Homepage Featured Member Order
If the Featured Members On Homepage add-on is activated on the site, with this setting, the position of the member in the streaming widget can be specified. It is important to know that the system will not allow adding more than one member in the same position.
Verified Member?
With this setting, the site owner can specify whether the member is verified or not. If set to YES, a verified icon badge will display on the member's listing. More information about this can be found in this article: How To Verify A Listing
List in All Locations?
If the Multi-Location Listing add-on is activated on the site, with this setting, members can be listed in all locations or not.
Max. Location Limit
If the Multi-Location Listing add-on is activated on the site, with this setting, it is possible to override the maximum number of locations this member can list compared to what is defined in their membership plan settings.
CC Lead Emails to
With this setting, multiple email addresses can be added that will receive the lead notification emails for the specified member. This can be helpful in instances where the member is a company and the lead emails are supposed to be received by the Sales Representative of the company.
Tab 3: Member tags
This option will allow for the admin of the site to add/remove tags to individual members. For more detailed information about this functionality, click on the following article: Member Tags & Tag Groups
Tab 4: Advanced Options
Listing Custom HEAD Code
With this setting, a custom HEAD code can be entered that will be rendered only for the specified member profile.
Listing Custom FOOTER Code
Same functionality as the above setting, allowing for custom FOOTER content.
Listing Custom CSS Code
With this setting, a custom CSS code can be entered that will be rendered only for the specified member profile. There is no need to add <style> tags
Customize Listing URL
With this setting, the member's URL can be edited. Keep in mind that these URLs should be relative, meaning that the website URL is not needed. The system will also give the option to fetch the URL from the SEO template which will reset the code respecting the SEO template specified.
Also, if the member changes their location or categories, later on, their URL will also be changed. To avoid this, check the checkbox shown below:
Listing Meta Title
With this setting, a custom meta title for the member can be added. Keep in mind that this field can be left blank as our SEO templates already provide Google with valid metadata.
Listing Meta Keywords
With this setting, custom meta keywords for the member can be added. Keep in mind that this field can be left blank as our SEO templates already provide Google with valid metadata.
Listing Meta Description
With this setting, a custom meta description for the member can be added. Keep in mind that this field can be left blank as our SEO templates already provide Google with valid metadata.
Listing Social Meta Title
With this setting, a custom social media meta title for the member can be added. Keep in mind that this field can be left blank as our SEO templates already provide Google with valid metadata.
Listing Social Meta Description
With this setting, a custom social meta description for the member can be added. Keep in mind that this field can be left blank as our SEO templates already provide Google with valid metadata.