Affiliate Program Integrations


By default Brilliant Directories can be integrated with ShareaSale and PostAffiliatePro integration. 

NOTE: Other affiliate solutions can be integrated using a differnt method, please check: Adding Affiliate Tracking & Conversion Codes

1. Go to Settings » General Setting and click on the Integrations:

2. Search for the keyword "affiliate" which will show the ShareaSale field to add your ID:

These integrations can track any of the following Transaction Types:

  • Member Sign Ups
  • Member Upgrades
  • Member Lead Purchases
  • Digital Product Purchases
  • Pay-Per-Post Purchases

This is how a tracking code will look like when using Share-a-sale:

If the site is using Post-Affiliate-Pro the code would look similar to this:

These codes will include information about the purchase such as:

1. Tracking code

2. Total Cost 

3. Order ID, or Invoice ID

4. Product ID