How To Clone a Form


To clone a form, its default version needs to be customized first. To learn how to customize a default form, please refer to the article down below:

How To Customize a Form

Once a form is customized, the Clone option will appear under Actions dropdown:

When clicked on the Clone option, the system will display a pop up where Form Name and under Developer Settings it says Form System Name can be changed along with other settings that can be found on other tabs:

As can be seen in the screenshot above, the system will add the wording "Copy of " to the Form Nme and "copy_of_" to the Form System Name in order to create unique values.

Once clicked on Save Changes,  the edit view of the form will appear where further changes can be made to the form fields:

To get back to the Form Manager, the Back button on top left corner can be utilized and newly cloned form will display on the list of Customized Forms: