Member Posts API - Create, Update, Delete and Get Member Posts


It is possible to update, create, delete and get member posts information using the API.

There are 4 actions:

Single Image Posts

  1. api/v2/data_posts/get/{id}
  2. api/v2/data_posts/create
  3. api/v2/data_posts/update
  4. api/v2/data_posts/delete/

Note: Single-Image posts have a data_type of 20.  Video posts are also considered single-image posts and have a data_type of 9.

Single Image Post Types Endpoints

  • api/v2/data_posts/get/{id}

    Using this action is simple, add the URL above but replace {id} with the actual post ID. This will fetch the post information from the website.

  • api/v2/data_posts/create
    To use this action it should have the same variables found in the forms of the post types. See the variables of each in Toolbox >> Form Manager.

    To find the data_id go to My Content >> Edit Post Settings, look for the ID of the Post type.

  • Use this variable to automatically import the post image: auto_image_import value =1  or value = "true".
  • Use this variable to syncronize the location of the post 1 is active 0 is inactive auto_geocode (true and false is also accepted)
  • In order for the system to auto-geocode the post, this Advanced Setting needs to be set up following the instructions in this article:  google_maps_server_side_api_key

  • api/v2/data_posts/update

    To update a post make sure to include the post_id.

  • api/v2/data_posts/delete/

    Use this action URL to delete a post, add the post_id variable of the post to be deleted.

Multi-Photo Posts

  1. api/v2/users_portfolio_groups/get/{id}
  2. api/v2/users_portfolio_groups/create
  3. api/v2/users_portfolio_groups/update
  4. api/v2/users_portfolio_groups/delete/

Note: Multi-Image posts have a data_type of 4.

We will break down these actions and explain how to achieve an end results with each one. The examples shown in this article are completed using

Multi-Photo Post Types Endpoints

  • api/v2/users_portfolio_groups/get/{id}

    Using this action is simple, add the url above but replace {id} with the actual post ID. This will fetch the post information from the website.

  • api/v2/users_portfolio_groups/create

    To find the data_id go to My Content >> Edit Post Settings, look for the ID of the Post type.

    Use this variable to automatically import the post image: auto_image_import value =1 , or can also use value = "true".

Use this variable to synchronize the location of the post 1 is active 0 is inactive (true and false is also accepted)

geocode the post location

In order for the system to auto-geocode the post, this Advanced Setting needs to be set up following the instructions in this article:


  • api/v2/users_portafolio_groups/update

    With this action, to update a post make sure to include the group_id.

  • api/v2/users_portfolio_groups/delete/

    Use this action URL to delete a post, add the group_id variable of the post to be deleted.