Managing Leads From A Member's Perspective
Three actions can be taken with leads:
- Purchase a Lead
- Accept a Free Lead
- Decline a Lead
Purchasing Leads
Please find all the relevant information here: Purchasing Leads
Accepting Free Leads
The member will receive an email notifying them that they have a lead. A link to view the lead is included in the email template:
Clicking on the link will AUTOMATICALLY log that member into his dashboard and take them straight to the lead itself facilitating the purchasing process. Clicking on "View Details" will open the lead:
The member must click on "Accept Lead" in order to view the full contact details (if the email setting is set to "Preview"):
The complete lead details including email and phone number are now available for the member to view:
Declining Leads
The member will receive an email notifying them that they have a lead. A link to view the lead is included in the email template:
Clicking on the link will AUTOMATICALLY log that member into his dashboard and take them straight to the lead itself facilitating the purchasing process. Clicking on "View Details" will open the lead:
The member will click on "Decline Lead" to not accept it:
The system will display a pop-up asking for feedback on why the lead was not accepted. This question is optional.
The lead will appear as "Declined" in this section:
View Declined Lead Reason
The owner of the site views the declined lead reason in the Leads details of the admin:
Member Assigned Lead Status
When a lead is accepted, the following lead statuses will be displayed:
- Deal Won
- Deal Lost
- In Progress
- Needs Contact
These statuses are designed to help members efficiently manage their leads on the dashboard.
Lead Status Text Labels
These are text labels which can be found and edited within the Settings ยป Text Labels:
- lead_user_status_won
- lead_user_status_deal_lost
- lead_user_status_in_progress
- lead_user_status_needs_contact