Simple Events Calendar
Display the website’s published upcoming events in a calendar format rather than in the standard list of search results.
How To Get This Add-On
- Websites with the VIP Add-Ons Club automatically have this add-on available: Join The VIP Add-Ons Club
- Purchase Individually: Simple Events Calendar Add-On
Using the Add-On
Go to My Content - Web Page Builder:
Create a New Web Page or click Edit on one of the existing pages:
Once on the page, add the following widget to the page content:
[widget=Bootstrap Theme - Display - Events Calendar]
Here is an example of a new web page named calendar, displaying the events calendar:
Adding the Calendar to a sidebar:
Go to Toolbox - Sidebar Manager and Edit the sidebar where the widget will be placed:
Add the widget to the sidebar, to learn more about sidebars, click here:
This will display accordingly in the sidebar:
Changing the Days Labels:
By default, the events calendar will use the default website language. But the admin may want the days to display in a particular manner, so in order to change these labels go to:
Settings > Text Labels > search for "events calendar -"
This is the list of calendar day labels:
- sunday_events_calendar_day
- monday_events_calendar_day
- tuesday_events_calendar_day
- wednesday_events_calendar_day
- thursday_events_calendar_day
- friday_events_calendar_day
- saturday_events_calendar_day