My Members » Search Members Overview
One of the most used sections of the admin area is the Search Members.
- Go to My Members.
- Click on Search Members.
From this section, the majority of the member's information can be edited.
The top side of the page will display several options to filter searches for a more accurate return of results depending on the needs.
Member Search Filter options
- Member name, member ID number, or member URL search
- Subscription (membership plan) drop-down filter
- Top-level category filter (it is also possible to search for the members who did not select any top-level categories by using the No Top-Level Assigned option)
- Sign-up (Joined) date range selector
- Email address Search
- Account status drop-down filter
- Sublevel category filter (it is also possible to search for the members who did not select any sub-level categories by using the No Sub-Level Assigned option)
- Last login date range selector
- Verified Status drop-down filter
- Transaction Type drop-down filter also filters by members with available credits.
- Member Type (Individual / Company)
- Find Duplicates
- Sub-sub Level category filter (it is also possible to search for the members who did not select any sub-level categories by using the No Sub-Sub-Level Assigned option)
- Filter members who signed up through the website and those added through the admin or member imports
- Location search
- The option to filter by forms submitted by members
- Filter by forms not submitted by the member
- User's IP Country from which they signed up/logged in from.
- Ability to search by IP the member used when last they signed in and also the IP they used when they joined as a member
- Profile Status, complete or incomplete (only active if the Require Complete Profiles setting is turned on).
- Member Tags >> Member Tags & Tag Groups
Important Note #1
When utilizing the location search and if the Multi-Location Add-On is active on the site, an additional checkbox option called Include Service Areas will appear:
- If Service Areas are excluded, only the members who added the specified location to their contact details form will appear.
- If Service Areas are included, the members who added the specified location to their contact details form and the members who added the specified location to their service areas will appear.
Important Note #2
Filters like Subscription, Forms Submitted, and Forms Not Submitted will allow users to conduct a search by choosing multiple options from the dropdown.
Important Note #3
Utilizing the Find Duplicates filter enables the administrator to conveniently locate members according to the chosen field(s). If multiple options are chosen, the filter will seek duplicates across all selected criteria.
Additional Options
Member Sidebar
The upper right side of the page will display several additional options where the following actions can be completed:
How To Add Members Manually Via The Admin
Under the List Actions dropdown, the following options can be found:
How To Import Members Via CSV File
Export Member Data (only available with the add-on)
Member Search Results
Member Search Results Section Below the search filters and additional options, the member search results section can be found:
Sort Options
- Sort Name A-Z
- Sort Name Z-A
- Sort ID Highest
- Sort ID Lowest
- Sort Newest First
- Sort Oldest First
- Sort Most Revenue
- Sort Least Revenue
- Sort Most Credits (Member Credits System)
- Sort Least Credits
In this section, on the far left, there are checkboxes to apply Bulk Actions to members:
In the Status column, member status will be displayed:
The available statuses are:
- Active
- Past Due
- On Hold
- Cancelled
- Not Active
- Incomplete
NOTE: Click Here to get detailed information about the statuses.
In the Contact Information column, a set of member information will be displayed if available:
- Full Name
- Company Name
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Location
- Social Media Accounts
If the member is verified under the Quick Edit Module For Members, an additional verified icon will appear in this section:
If any Internal Notes are added for this member under the Quick Edit Module For Members, an additional icon will appear in this section:
In the same section, the Actions dropdown can be found:
In the Membership column, some information like:
- Member ID
- Membership Plan
- Join Date
- Last Login
- Category
- Parent Account ID, if applicable
In the Revenue column, the system will display the Total Revenue received from each member and if they are Past Due: