Common Mistakes with Google and Facebook Login


In this article, we will be going over a few different scenarios showing successful and unsuccessful attempts and how to troubleshoot them.

Successful Attempts

First Scenario:

- I am a non-member and want to create a membership on the website.

I will try to create an account with my existing Facebook account (Logged to my Facebook account):

As can be seen from the GIF above, an account is created on the fly.

Second Scenario:

- I created my account on this website and I logged out. I want to log in with my existing Facebook account:

As can be seen from the GIF above, login was successful without any issues.

Third Scenario:

- I am a non-member and want to create a membership on the website.

I will try to create an account with my existing Google account:

As the admin can see from the GIF above, an account has been created on the fly.

Fourth Scenario:

- I created my account on this website and I logged out. I want to LOGIN with my existing Google account:

As it can be seen from the GIF above, login was successful without any issues.

Unsuccessful Attempts

First Scenario:

- I created an account on the website with my Google account, logged out - trying to login with FACEBOOK account:

Second Scenario:

- I created an account on the website with my Google account, logged out - trying to CREATE new account with my Google account again:

Third Scenario:

- I created an account on the website with my Facebook account, logged out - trying to login with Google account:

Fourth Scenario:

- Already created an account on the website with my Facebook account or same email used in the Facebook account, logged out - trying to CREATE new account with same Facebook account again: