04/01/22 - Software Updates

Link: https://support.brilliantdirectories.com/support/solutions/articles/12000086839-04-01-22-software-updates

We made updates to several Default Widgets this week. If you have customized any of these widgets and would like to update your customized widget, you can find the latest code in the corresponding Default Widget. Please remember that if you have a custom version of any of these widgets, our latest updates have not been pushed to your website.

  • We implemented a security update to prevent code injections when uploading files through the Member Dashboard area.

    Widget Involved:

    Bootstrap Theme - Account - Profile Image Upload

  • We optimized the fontawesome style files in order to improve page load times and scores from 3rd party tools.

    Widget Involved:

    Bootstrap Theme - HEAD

  • We updated the Default Website Language setting in order to include 3 forms of Chinese as options. 

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing "pretty URL" search results pages for locations from returning accurate results when the 'Enable All Location Features for "Pretty URL" Search Results Pages' setting was enabled in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing valid "suggested matches" from being returned when matching a lead in the Admin in some cases.

    Widget Involved:

    Search - Member - Search Query

  • We added support for uploading .webp images in froala editors for sites using PHP 5.4.

    Widget Involved:

    Bootstrap Theme - Form - Froala Editor Actions

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing search results from displaying in Grid View in some cases.

    Widget Involved:

    Bootstrap Theme - Footer - Scripts - Grid View Scripts

  • We updated the logic of the Google Maps integration throughout the frontend of sites in order to load the required Javascript files after the page loads. This will reduce the load time of pages and increase scores in 3rd party tools like GTMetrix and Google Pagespeed.

    Widgets Involved:

    Bootstrap Theme - Search Results Map
    Bootstrap Theme - Module - Post Location Map
    Bootstrap Theme - Function - Google Location Suggest
    Bootstrap Theme - Account - Select Locations
    Bootstrap Theme - Form - Member Google Location
    Bootstrap - Contact Member Lead Map

    Post Type Involved:


  • We created a new set of settings to manage Member Review notification emails. To use these new settings, navigate to the Admin >> Interactions >> Member Reviews >> Member Review Settings >>Notifications tab.

    Widget Involved:

    Account - Save Actions

  • The "Income Reports" page in the Admin is now compatible with Admin Role Permissions.  A Role that does not have permission to access Finance >> Billing History >> Income Reports will not be able to see the page and buttons.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing exports of Form Inquiries data to be formatted improperly in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the correct Smart List size after selecting a Smart List as the recipient of a Newsletter Campaign in some cases . 

  • We updated the logic of the Google Sitemap Generator to only include the domain of the site in the sitemap for the homepage instead of the /home page.

  • We created a new Design Setting for homepage sections called "Hide On Mobile?". Enabling this setting will hide the affected homepage section on mobile devices. To use this new design setting, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage tab>> Enable Additional Sections >> Select Content to Display >> Edit Settings.

    Widget Involved:

    Bootstrap Theme - Homepage

  • We created a new Form Field type called "Froala Text Editor - Image Upload + Pre-Made Elements". This type of froala editor has the same options as the "Froala Text Editor - Image Upload", but also includes the "Pre-Made Elements" options as well.

  • The Recent Members homepage widget is now compatible with the "Require Complete Profiles" Advanced Setting.

    Widget Involved:

    Bootstrap Theme - Display - Recent Members

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the location search field in homepage searches from displaying suggestions when the homepage slider was active and the Main Menu behavior is set to "Stick at Top" on in some cases.

    Widget Involved:

    Bootstrap Theme - Header - Main Menu