Changelog - March #2 2015


New Features

  • Added option "Ignore Default UTF-8 Character Set" on the Advanced Settings (Settings -> Advanced Settings) to help solve any weird character issues with special characters when sending Emails or Widgets.
  • Finalized Monthly Website Usage Box on Backend site. The Monthly Website Usage shows all members their amount of Emails Sent, Bandwidth Used and Current Storage.
  • Finalized Website Optimization Box on Backend Site. The Website Optimization Box gives members the option to use and setup Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools and even Bing Tools. This will soon be expanded to include Responsive Tests, Speed Tests, Website Analyzing tools and more which can be used to analized SEO, optimize and verify Responsive Design and get general tips and hints on how to make your site better.
  • Finalized the Manage Social Media Box on Backend Site. This will offer a link to several social media sites for members to be able to manage their social site quickly by using a direct link to them. This will also be expanded to include several more Social Media sites. Wait for it ^^.
  • Implemented an enhanced version of the Email Account Management found in Emails -> Email Accounts. This new version is managed directly by the Member's CPanel so it will not only solve many Email related issues, but also provide an easy to use/manage way for their Email system.

Enhancements / Fixes

  • Added Support for PNG & GIF Formats for Logo Images
  • Added a way for users to be able to provide their location manually (Latitude / Longitude Based) in their Contact Details without being overridden.
  • Make Database Compatible with all Languages (Special Characters). Please contact us if you have any issues related to Special Characters (Non-English Language)
  • Solved Issues with Sitemap Generator not working on certain sites
  • Optimize Resize / Cropping (Faster now)
  • Optimize Backend (More Lightweight)
  • Many Bugs Fixed...