Changelog - August 2020


New Features: 

  • We created a new text label for "/about/terms" in order to easily update this URL in multiple places at once.

  • We updated the Chat Message modal on member contact pages in order to add the ability to upload images through the Froala WYSIWYG.

  • We created a new Advanced Setting called display_trascription_options to choose whether or not the Transcription Options setting displays when editing a form field. The setting will also continue top be displayed when a value has already been saved..

  • We updated the Sidebar Manager to now support Custom Sidebars as well as Default Sidebars, much like the Widget Manager and Form Manager. 

  • We added the ability to clone multi-image posts in the Member Dashboard area. 

  • We added the ability to use decimal values when setting prices for the Pay Per Post Add-On. Also, we created a new General Setting called "Website Currency Number Format" in order to specify the desired format to display currencies. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> General Settings >> Configuration tab. 

  • We created a new "Sort By" dropdown when a member is viewing their posts in the Member Dashboard area.

  • We created a new Advanced Setting called "Froala Allowed Empty Tags" in order to allow empty HTML tags to be added to Froala WYSIWYGs without being removed automatiically.

  • We updated the datatable when viewing posts in the Member Dashboard area to be fully compatible with Text Labels.

  • The Member Password Reset module is now compatible with Text Labels.

Enhancements / Fixes:

  • We updated the Stripe Payment Gateway integration to reduce duplicate payment intents / authorizations from being created in the payment process.

  • The system will now log the change in the Activity Tracker when an Admin edits a member's billing subscription from the member account page in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to still create a member when the member uses a 100% coupon code but entered an invalid credit card during the signup process.

  • We fixed an issue with the Lead Module which was causing the system to not ignore the "Maximum Matches" lead setting in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the width of Froala WYSIWYG's to expand when entering a lot of text without spaces or line breaks in some cases. The text will now automatically break onto a new line instead.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing category dropdown fields in search modules to not work properly after choosing a language with special characters in the Google Translate Add-On.

  • We removed the predefined link list when creating or editing a link using the Froala WYSIWYG.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the Sub + Sub-Sub + Location search module widget to not automatically select the searched categories after completing the search. 

  • We updated the purchase lead modal in order to prevent members from accidentally buying a lead multiple times by abandoning the purchase in the middle of the process.

  • Member review responses can now contain line breaks.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display plain text javascript code on member results pages when the "Display Google Map Option on Search Results Pages" post setting is set to "No" in some cases.

  • We moved the Country Settings link from the Admin Menu to the Payment Gateways page under the Additional Settings dropdown.

  • We added the ability to refresh the Google Recaptcha field when a member signup fails on checkout pages.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the Front-End Admin Bar after clicking on the "Visit My Website" link from the Admin Menu.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display "unpaid" non-subscription invoices on the Billing Details page in the Member Dashboard.

  • We fixed an issue with paying invoices from the Billing Details page in the Member Dashboard when using Paypal Website Payments Pro as the Payment Gateway.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to return inaccurate member results when searching for members in individual countries in the United Kingdom in some cases.

  • We updated the Predictive Keyword Search Add-On in order to make it compatible with the search_results_require_complete_profile Advanced Setting.

  • We fixed a display issue which was causing the "Crop & Upload" button on the Member Profile Images page in the Member Dashboard to be partially hidden on mobile devices in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the Hero Section Settings, Display Settings, SEO Meta Tags and Social Media Share Details sections in the sidebar when editing or creating a Web Page in the Admin in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing Admins from creating additional folders using the Media Manager tool in the Admin.

  • We updated the design of the Permalink Input field in the Edit Web Page area of the Admin.

  • When using the "forgot password" workflow for Admin accounts, the system will now first make sure the email address for the account is not blocked from receiving emails before sending.

  • We fixed an issue with the Member Import feature which was causing the system to import members to incorrect categories in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to delete claim listing members when signing up for a paid Membership Plan failed.

  • We updated the Stripe Payment Gateway integration to reduce unnecessary payment intents / authorizations from being created when members make purchases in the Member Dashboard.

  • We updated the Stripe Payment Gateway logic in order to force the credit card input fields to always use the HTTPS protocol in the Admin, even when an SSL Certificate is not installed on the site.

  • We updated the Import Member page in order to make it compatible with the admin_account_view Advanced Setting.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing users from deleting individual images from a multi-image post in the Member Dashboard area in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing an infinite redirect loop when users set up a Cloudflare SSL for their site and configure Cloudflare to redirect all traffic to https.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the File Manager page in the Admin from opening using the Chrome browser in some cases.

  • We implemented a security update in order to remove "on-event" scripts inside any HTML tag submitted through forms in the Member Dashboard.

  • We added a new update that will appear on the Admin Dashboard in order to install the Password Reset SEO Template if it is missing from the site.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the social share image for member profile pages from being defined properly in some cases.

  • When editing a Menu in the Admin, clicking the "New Link" button will now add the new item to the top of the menu instead of the bottom of the menu.

  • We added an extra validation to only execute any additional SQL added to the "Extra SQL statement" field on the "Search Results Design" tab of Posts when the enable_member_feature_search_engine and enable_album_search_engine are disabled on a site.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to get stuck on the "Processing Order" modal when a member tries to buy an additional post using the "Pay Per Post" Add-On in some cases.

  • We updated the sidebar menu in the Member Dashboard to to display text labels with the words capitalized exactly as they were entered in the Admin.

  • We limited the Member and Membership Plan names displayed on the Manage Post page in the Admin to 80 characters to prevent longer names from breaking the display of the page on smaller screens.

  • We improved the logic of the Predictive Keyword Search Add-On in order to use the thumbnail version of images instead of a larger version of the image.  This will reduce the size of assets loaded on the page when this Add-On is used.

  • The field labels used withing the %%%details%%% variable in review email templates are now editable as Text Labels.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the Admin Sidebar from displaying on the front-end of sites in some cases.

  • The "Actions" dropdown in the Admin Form Manager now includes an option to "Add Field Below".  

  • The Activity Tracker will now log when an Admin adds, activates, or deletes a Payment Gateway in the Admin.

  • We implemented a security update in order to encrypt the cookie used to track if a member is logged into a member account on a site.

  • We updated the Sidebar Manager save logic in order to display a warning message when adding the Dynamic Category Filter widgets and a member search widget with Category Dropdowns to a same sidebar.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display the default validation message instead of the assigned text label when a form field has been set as required and the user has not entered a value for the field.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display the wrong currency format on the Transaction History page in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue with the Password Retrieval form which was causing the system to display a recaptcha error when submitting the form even when the recaptcha was checked correctly in some cases.

  • We created a new Advanced Setting called "Allow Unsecure Account Cookies" in order to store the values of the member account cookies in plain text instead of the secure encrypted version. 

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display the wrong currency format on the Finance Snapshot section of the Admin Dashboard.

  • The Admin menu item previously called "Payment Gateways" is now called "Payment Settings".

  • We removed the "signed_in" parameter from the Google Maps API request which was causing sites to display a warning message in the browser console.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing content on profile pages to be considered "Members Only" when the "Hide Header on Profile" Membership Plan setting was set to "Yes" in some cases.

  • We standardized the colors used for modals in the Admin to make them all uniform.

  • We implemented a set updates to fix minor issues on the Advanced Settings, Text Labels and 301 Redirect pages in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the Quick Edit modal to close immediately after being opened on the Search Members page in the Admin due to a conflict with some browser extensions in Chrome Browser.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing content from being saved in the Member Dashboard when a forward slash ( / ) was added to the iframe_source_whitelist Advanced Setting.

  • We deprecated the "Hide Not Active Countries" Advanced Setting as it no longer served a purpose in supported versions of the software.

  • We added the ability to deselect member categories in the search feature on the Search Members page in the Admin.

  • We removed the Clickable-Maps options from the "Search Type" Design Setting when the "Homepage Clickable Maps" Add-On is not active on a site. Previously they would be shown as deactivated options.

  • We updated the Pay Per Post Add-On logic in order to prompt the user to buy a post credit when publishing an existing unpublished post without sufficient credits.

  • We updated the logic of the Invite Admin feature to set a limit of 3 invite email links per batch on the Admin Account page in the Admin.

  • We updated the "Add New" button text when creating a new post in the Member Dashboard area to display text with the words capitalized exactly as they were entered in the Admin.

  • We updated the Activity Tracker to use the text "Membership Plan" instead of "Membership Level" when a Membership Plan is updated or created in the Admin.

  • In all, over 100 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.