Changelog - February 2023


New Features:

  • We added a default set of German language Text Labels.  Admins can now choose to apply and edit English, Spanish, French, and German Text Labels.

  • We added Albanian as an available Default Website Language.

  • We added Czech and Bulgarian languages as Default Website Language options in the General Settings.

  • We added the ability to filter by "Expired" posts on the Manage Posts page in the Admin.

  • We created a new Advanced Setting called "Match Sub Account Status to Parent Account". When this setting is enabled, the status of Sub Accounts will automatically update to match that of their parent account.

  • We created a new Spam Form Protector Add-On setting called "Block Spoof Characters". This keyword list will protect forms from being submitted with characters that look like English characters but are not (also called homoglyphs).

  • We created a new Post Type Setting called "Display Expired Posts in Search Results".  When this setting is enabled, the posts that are currently expired will appear in search results if a user searches for a date range in which the posts were not expired.

  • We added a new Menu Item setting called "Hide Item". When setting is activated for a menu item, the system will hide it when the menu is displayed on the frontend.

  • We added a new set of Member Search Result Sort Options called "Sort by Most Likes" and "Sort by Least Likes" available to sites that have the "Bookmark My Favorites" Add-On.

Enhancements / Fixes:

  • We created a new search filter on the Search Subscriptions page to filter Subscriptions by "Date Ended".

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing post images from displaying on member profile pages after clicking on "Load more results" when using the Insta-Load Search Results Add-On.

  • We updated the comment icon link on Post search results pages to point to on the comments section on the post details page on the frontend of sites.

  • We updated the "Max. Sub-Level Categories Member Can Select" Membership Plan setting to not allow members to select sub-categories when the field has been saved as empty.  This field being left blank will be treated as allowing "0" categories to be selected.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from automatically selecting the searched sub and sub-sub categories in sidebar search modules on the search results page in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the correct error message when trying to complete a paid member upgrade using a 3D secure payment method in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Filter Post Type by Keyword" field in post comment sections from working properly.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the RSS Feed for Posts Add-On from working properly in some cases.

  • We updated the logic of the "Form Error Recpatcha" Text Label in order to support double quotes as part of the label value.

  • We fixed an issue with the Dynamic Category Filtering Add-On which was causing the system to display some sub and sub-sub categories without text in some cases.

  • We updated the Sub Accounts Add-On to set the sub-account status to "Not Active" when the parent account has been set as "Past Due". The sub-account status will change to "Active" when the parent account succesfully pay for the past due invoice.

  • We added the ability to support a blank space at the beginning of the Currency Suffix and to the end of the Currency Prefix when editing these settings in the "Localization" tab of the General Settings page in the Admin.

  • We updated the new Domain Manager page in the Admin to improve validations in several places.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Display Star Rating on Post Detail Page" Post Comments setting from working properly on the frontend in some cases.

  • We added a "learn more" link to the Google Analytics ID setting field on the General Settings page in the Admin.

  • The "Top and Sub" and "Top, Sub, and Sub-Sub" Dynamic Category Filters are now compatible with the "Broad Match" search option for the "Category Keyword Searches" setting found in the Search Settings tab of the General Settings page in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing imported images from showing properly when using the "View All" filter on the Member Images page in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Copy to Clipboard" button on the Widget Manager page to not work properly in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the Post Comments page in the Admin from displaying the "Actions" column when the member's name contained special characters in some cases

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from properly exporting lead data to a CSV file from the Admin in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the Froala WYSIWYG in the Admin from correctly setting the width and height attributes for image elements in the editor in some cases.

  • We updated the Star Rating for Posts Add-On in order to make it compatible with Text Labels. Also, the "Due" and "Charged" text in the Billing Account section of the Member Dashboard are now Text Labels.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing Form Inquiries data from displaying properly in the Admin in some cases.

  • The form on the /unsubscribed page is now compatible with the Form Manager.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the Map Search Results view on member search results pages when the lead map location field is present on the same page in some cases.

  • We updated the "Require Complete Profiles" Advanced Setting in order to add the ability to allow searching for complete profiles from the Admin only.

  • We updated the tooltip text on the Webhooks page in the Admin.

  • We updated the Restore Backup functionality on the Design Settings page in the Admin to make it process more quickly.

  • The Recent Members and Featured Members homepage widgets are now compatible with the "Hide Parent Account Sub-Account" Membership Plan setting.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing newsletters to continue to send the next day after the daily limit had been reached for the day in some cases.

  • The member sub and sub-sub category selection widget used in Member Dashboard forms is now compatible with the "Required Field?" form field setting.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to validate a form field as required even though the form field was not set to be required in some cases.

  • We updated the keyword filter fields on several pages in the Admin to remove any whitespace at the beginning or at the end of the entered keywords to prevent searches from not returning results as expected.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the Web Page Builder URL validation from working properly in some cases when creating a new web page.

  • The action of creating a new member via API is now compatible with the "Reward Credits to Assign After Sign Up" Membership Plan setting.

  • We added the ability to support "0.00" values in "Price" form fields.

  • We updated the Currency Prefix and Currency Suffix fields in the General Settings in the Admin to allow saving blank values.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing videos from Youtube from being embedded on sites when the "Enable HTTP Security Headers (CSP)" Advanced Setting was enabled in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing members from being manually matched to leads in the Admin in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing some SEO Templates from being customized in the Admin in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to set the background color to some homepage sections from the Design Settings page in the Admin.

  • We released an update in order to improve the page load times in the Admin.

  • We updated the UI of the /locations and /categories pages to add the ability to collapse the content in the Country and Top Categories panels.

  • We updated the default favicon HTML tag on the frontend of sites to remove an attribute that is no longer supported by browsers.

  • We updated the Search Subscriptions page in the Admin to display the "next invoice date" instead of the "next due date" when viewing subscriptions.

  • We added a new element to the $user array called full_name_short. This new element displays the first 19 characters of the full_name element in the $user array.

  • In all,  over 70 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.