01/10/2025 - Software Updates
Link: https://support.brilliantdirectories.com/support/solutions/articles/12000103007
We made updates to several Default Widgets this week. If you have customized any of these widgets and would like to update your customized widget, you can find the latest code in the corresponding Default Widget. Please remember that if you have a custom version of any of these widgets, our latest updates have not been pushed to your website.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the display of past due invoices in the Member Dashboard in some cases.
- We fixed an issue that was preventing the system from returning members after performing a search using the "Find Duplicates" filter on the Search Members page in the Admin.
- We improved the performance of viewing posts in the Member Dashboard, especially for members who have thousands of posts.
Widget Involved:
Bootstrap Theme - Account - Feature Body datatable - Members can now save custom notes for leads from the Leads Details page in the Member Dashboard.
Widget Involved:
Bootstrap Theme - Account - Leads Details Page - New Lead System - We added the ability for members to set a "Lead Status" after a member accepts a lead on the Lead Details page in the Member Dashboard. This is intended to help members organize their leads. Similarly, we added the ability to search by the customizable lead status on the Leads page in the Member Dashboard.
Widget Involved:
Bootstrap Theme - Account - Leads - New Lead System DataTables
Bootstrap Theme - Account - Leads Details Page - New Lead System - We added the ability to display the Member Credit History on the Billing Details page in the Member Dashboard.
- We updated the Brilliant Directories GET API's endpoint to support searching by multiple different properties / variables simultaneously.
- We implemented a security update to the Transaction History page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to save Admin notes for leads on the Member Leads page in the Admin in some cases.
- We fixed an issue that was causing the system to duplicate form fields when saving large forms on the Form Manager page in the Admin in some cases.
- The action of creating Sub-Accounts on the Member Dashboard is now compatible with the "Pre-Select Top Category" Membership Plan Setting.
Widget Involved:
website_users_data_type_save_form - We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to sort by Most or Least Likes on the search members page on the frontend of sites.
Widget Involved:
Search - Member - Search Query - We fixed an issue with the Business Data Tool which was preventing the system from returning results after performing a location search for Dubai in some cases.