How To Connect A Subdomain


In the Domain Name System hierarchy, a subdomain is a domain that is a part of another domain. 

For example, if a domain offered an online store as part of their website: 

It might use the subdomain:

Creating a Subdomain for a Top Domain used on a Non-BD Site

Go to the Domain Registrar, where the main website domain was bought (GoDaddy, Namecheap, Google Domains, etc...) and create the subdomain within their admin dashboard.

Namecheap - How to create a subdomain

GoDaddy - Add a subdomain

Google Domain Features

Connecting the Subdomain to the Website

Once the subdomain is created, it can be connected to the website using the A Record method, which requires an A Record that points to the websites IP Address.

This IP Address can be found inside the Domain Manager:

A Record example:

Creating a Subdomain for a Top Domain used on a BD Site

Go to Developer Hub > cPanel Dashboard > Zone Editor:

Inside the zone editor find the domain and click on "Manage":

Create the A Record:

A Record example:

This IP Address can be found inside the Domain Manager:

How do I know if I set up my subdomain properly?

After re-configuring the domain, please wait up to 72 hours for the changes to take effect.