cPanel Dashboard

How To Enable Remote MySQL Access
  Advanced members with knowledge on database, programming and security might want to enable remote MySQL access to their site because of faster developm...
How To Send Emails Through A Gmail Account
In order to setup Gmail to send email from these accounts, please follow these instructions:  On the Gmail account click the gear in the top ri...
Developer Hub » cPanel Dashboard » Zone Editor (A Records, CNAME, TXT and More)
cPanel is a control panel that helps you manage your website easily, even if you’re not tech-savvy. It’s where you can find important settings for your sit...
Verification For A G Suite Account (Gmail) For Email
G Suite is our recommended solution for 3rd party email platforms.  Note that Google changes their workflow and design often, so the steps below may no...
How To Connect A Subdomain
In the Domain Name System hierarchy, a subdomain is a domain that is a part of another domain.  For example, if a domain offered an online store as pa...
Block An IP Address From The Website
To block an IP from the website, follow these steps: Access the cPanel dashboard by navigating to Developer Hub - cPanel Dashboard: **Important Not...
How To Enable Hotlink Protection
A hotlink is when a 3rd party website uses the bandwidth to display content from the website on theirs.  A common example of this is when someone copies t...
Install 3rd Party SSL
To install a 3rd party SSL Certificate through the cPanel interface follow these steps: Login to cPanel, first login to the Admin area of the website ...
Quarterly cPanel Updates
cPanel Updates cPanel updates include a variety of security, bug and feature updates to the server software and the cPanel interface. These updates gene...
Generating a CSR for an SSL certificate in cPanel
SSL providers request a CSR for ownership verification and to enhance security by generating a unique key pair tied to the specific server and domain. The C...