Toolbox » Widget Manager Overview


What Are Widgets?

Widgets are the building blocks of every Brilliant Directories website and contain the vast majority of the PHP, HTML, CSS, and Javascript code that is used to make a website work the way it does.  In order to edit the functionality of many areas of a website, customizing a widget can be part of that process.

Default Widgets

Default Widgets are located in a central database that is accessed "behind the scenes" by all Brilliant Directories websites. Because these widgets are always maintained in a central database, they are always automatically up-to-date.

Default Widgets are maintained and updated often by our internal development team to ensure the default functionality of every Brilliant Directories website is working as expected, to add new functionality, and to provide other important updates.  

If a website owner never customizes any of the Default Widgets, their website will always be automatically using the most up-to-date code.

All Default Widgets can be viewed by navigating to Toolbox » Widget Manager in the Admin area of a website:

Customized Widgets

If a Default Widget has been customized OR a new widget has been created via the New Widget button, it will appear in the "Customized Widgets" section of the Toolbox » Widget Manager page, above the Default Widgets:

Edit Widget Tabs

All the Widgets include 4 sections, the first 3 (HTML - CSS - Javascript) are meant to be used to edit the respective language depending on the tab. 

The fourth section called Diff will highlight the difference in code between the default version of the widget vs the custom code:

Important Note: The "Diff" tab is only available for Customized Widgets.

Type of Widget

In the Edit Widget view, an additional option is available to specify the widget type:

To properly display the widget's content, select the "Widget" option. If the widget is intended to function as a banner ad, choose the "Advertisement / Banner" option instead. However, keep in mind that if the "Advertisement / Banner" option is selected and the Display Banner Advertisements setting (found under Design Settings >> Banner Ads) is disabled, the widget's content will not appear.

Read More

Some useful articles related to widgets can be found below:

How To Customize A Widget 

How To Create A New Widget 

How To Disable/Enable A Widget 

How To Delete A Widget 

Bulk Actions For Widgets 

How To Call A Widget On A Custom Page 

Locating The Widgets Via Admin Bar