Changelog - Software Updates
New Features: Site Admins have now the ability to manually change the parent of existing Sub Accounts through the Admin area (this applies to the Multi...
New Features: PayFast is now available as a supported payment gateway for customers in South Africa. We implemented a new search criter...
New Features: We added the ability to send an SMS message when a lead has been matched with a member through an integration with 3rd party...
New Features: Now the Checkbox and Radio Input fields of the Form Builder are fully supported by the system's email functionality when added as cus...
New Features: We added the ability to set a unique image URL to be used for the logo on PDF invoices produced by the system through the billing_logo_u...
New Features: We converted some hard-coded text to Text Labels in the paid signup form when the One Click Social Login Add-On is active. N...
New Features: We created a new Setting in order to control the list of pages that should be "public" when the Members Only Content Add-On is ...
New Features: Now sites that use an external payment gateway (PayPal Standard, Payfast, 2Checkout) can give members the option to signup with the One-C...
New Features: We updated the Transactions History page to include invoices from any date, regardless of how far in the future or the past the invoices ...
New Features: We created two new Text Labels to be used on Member Search Results pages. New text labels: results_search_results_tab and re...